Vanessa, seventeen and a fairly strange being and blogger from Sydney.

Animalust, created June, 2011 brings to you handmade apparel/jewellery and vintage/pre loved items for your hungry wardrobe. A maker and creator at heart, I hope to share with you one of my greatest passions - clothing.
Sparked from the blog animalist (click the "blog" link in the tabs), I decided to start an online store so that everyone would have the opportunity to own a little piece of my passion.
With a love for fabrics, textures and silhouettes, I've compiled a site filled with garments that I adore that would love to have a new home!
Sparked from the blog animalist (click the "blog" link in the tabs), I decided to start an online store so that everyone would have the opportunity to own a little piece of my passion.
With a love for fabrics, textures and silhouettes, I've compiled a site filled with garments that I adore that would love to have a new home!